Sunday, July 24, 2011

Russian Fairy Tale Fashion

Check out these ladies:

They could be from one of these stories, like Vasilisa the Beautiful by Ivan Bilibin:

You'll need long hair in braids:

Red Lipstick (Mac's Russian Red is PERFECT):

Fur (vintage, please!) or Faux Fur. This vintage raccoon fur hat is darling:

and something to redden your cheeks with that perfect poison-flush. Try this cheek stain by Tarte:

Get inspired by curling up with a book of Russian Fairy Tales... like this one, by Alexander Alexeieff:

put on a cup of tea (make sure the cup is vintage, and decorated with scenes of a Russian city circa 1800):

or run out, with your red lips, cheeks, and braids, in this dress, by the designer Mod Cloth, called "Taking It Breezy Dress":'ll probably meet a fox that's actually a prince.

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